A horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here were more than just peculiar.
A tense, moving, and wondrously strange first novel. The photographs and text work together brilliantly to create an unforgettable story. John Green, New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns
Readers searching for the next Harry Potter may want to visit Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children. CNN
Riggs deftly moves between fantasy and reality, prose and photography to create an enchanting and at times positively terrifying story. Associated Press
I read all of the Miss Peregrine s Peculiar Children books and I loved them. Florence of Florence + The Machine
[A] thrilling, Tim Burton-esque tale with haunting photographs. USA Today Pop Candy
With its X-Men: First Class-meets-time-travel story line, David Lynchian imagery, and rich, eerie detail, it s no wonder Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children has been snapped up by Twentieth Century Fox. B+ Entertainment Weekly
Peculiar doesn t even begin to cover it. Riggs chilling, wondrous novel is already headed to the movies. People
You'll love it if you want a good thriller for the summer. It's a mystery, and you'll race to solve it before Jacob figures it out for himself. Seventeen
Delightfully weird. Good Housekeeping
One of the coolest, creepiest YA books. PopSugar
Readers searching for the next Harry Potter may want to visit Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children. CNN
Riggs deftly moves between fantasy and reality, prose and photography to create an enchanting and at times positively terrifying story. Associated Press
I read all of the Miss Peregrine s Peculiar Children books and I loved them. Florence of Florence + The Machine
[A] thrilling, Tim Burton-esque tale with haunting photographs. USA Today Pop Candy
With its X-Men: First Class-meets-time-travel story line, David Lynchian imagery, and rich, eerie detail, it s no wonder Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children has been snapped up by Twentieth Century Fox. B+ Entertainment Weekly
Peculiar doesn t even begin to cover it. Riggs chilling, wondrous novel is already headed to the movies. People
You'll love it if you want a good thriller for the summer. It's a mystery, and you'll race to solve it before Jacob figures it out for himself. Seventeen
Delightfully weird. Good Housekeeping
One of the coolest, creepiest YA books. PopSugar