• Broschiertes Buch

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Ohne Stress könnten wir die kreatürliche Angst nicht überwinden. Wir könnten nicht einmal denken, fühlen, lieben, die Welt begreifen.
We fear nothing more than our very own angst. Our angst however in all its shades is what makes us develop mentally and emotionally. Only angst provokes a stress-reaction process which establishes the precondition for arranging one s life mentally, emotionally and bodily. Gerald Hüther presents the latest scientific findings of stress reactions in the biological functions of the brain and gives surprising insights of basic emotional patterns like trust,…mehr

Ohne Stress könnten wir die kreatürliche Angst nicht überwinden. Wir könnten nicht einmal denken, fühlen, lieben, die Welt begreifen.
We fear nothing more than our very own angst. Our angst however in all its shades is what makes us develop mentally and emotionally. Only angst provokes a stress-reaction process which establishes the precondition for arranging one s life mentally, emotionally and bodily. Gerald Hüther presents the latest scientific findings of stress reactions in the biological functions of the brain and gives surprising insights of basic emotional patterns like trust, belief, love, dependence, hate and aggression. Neuronal connection patterns which we learn in our early childhood development and which are structured in our brains create need for love and acceptance and enables us to love more than just ourselves. Psychology and psychoanalysis have drawn their own conclusions from observations and established theories which have been used for diagnosis and therapy. This book supports them on a neurobiological level. The book is a comprehensive read due to various examples given by the author. Itopens up a new horizon of human development for laypeople and experts alike. Highly complex issues become evident, vague become concrete and natural science is reconciled with our old idea of the soul.
Gerald Hüther zählt zu den bekanntesten Hirnforschern im deutschsprachigen Raum, ist Autor zahlreicher (populär-)wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Vorstand der Akademie für Potentialentfaltung.