Ein Angebot für € 9,60 €
CD 1
1Introduction (Ballet 1910)00:02:32
2Kashchei's enchanted garden (Ballet 1910)00:01:47
3Appearance of the Firebird pursued by Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)00:02:26
4Dance of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)00:01:22
5Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird (Ballet 1910)00:00:53
6Supplication of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)00:08:14
7Game of the Princesses with the golden apples (Ballet 1910)00:02:25
8Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)00:01:37
9Round dance of the Princesses (Ballet 1910)00:03:43
10Daybreak (Ballet 1910)00:01:32
11Magic carillon, appearance of Kashchei's guardian monsters and capture of Ivan Tsarevich (Ballet 1910)00:05:41
12Dance of Kashchei's retinue under the spell of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)00:00:45
13Infernal dance of all Kashchei's subject's (Ballet 1910)00:04:43
14Lullaby of the Firebird (Ballet 1910)00:05:17
15Collapse of Kashchei's palace and dissolution of all enchantments - Reanimation of the petrified prisoners - General)00:03:13
17Danse (Original Version)00:00:59
18Excentrique (Original Version)00:02:11
19Cantique (Original Version)00:03:38
20Madrid (Original Version)00:02:48
CD 2
1First tableau (Scene 1)00:09:57
2Second tableau (Scene 2)00:04:30
3Third tableau (Scene 3)00:07:02
4Fourth tableau (Scene 4)00:13:29
5ERSTER TEIL: Die Anbetung der Erde (Original Version)00:15:55
6ZWEITER TEIL: Das Opfer (Original Version)00:17:27
CD 3
1Scherzo Fantastique, Op.300:11:30
2Original Version00:05:35
3Chant du Rossignol (Original Version)00:02:30
4Marche chinoise (Original Version)00:03:29
5Chant du Rossignol (Original Version)00:03:32
6Jeu du Rossignol mécanique (Original Version)00:11:06
7The Soldier's March (Part 1)00:01:56
8Music to Scene I (Part 1)00:02:42
9Music to Scene II (Part 1)00:03:56
10The Royal March (Part 2)00:02:42
11The Little Concert (Part 2)00:03:07
12Three Dances Tango-Waltz-Ragtime (Part 2)00:06:16
13The Devil's Dance (Part 2)00:01:23
14Great Choral (Part 2)00:02:43
15Triumphant March of the Devil (Part 2)00:02:21