CD 1
2The First Letter: The Red Blood Connection00:04:46
3Table bay00:02:20
4The Second Letter: The Orange Breath00:06:12
5The Sixth Letter: The Indigo Clouds00:07:04
6Io non mori00:05:44
7Desert Dream00:03:59
8The blue bridge00:03:28
9Jenissei river00:04:40
10Ulan Ude00:04:31
11Chingan night00:06:52
12Russian soul00:04:11
13Vidi tre facce00:04:54
CD 2
1Navel Of Light [Part 1]00:08:02
2Persistence Of Memory [Part 5]00:13:07
4Dante in despair00:03:47
6Awareness (1st teaching)00:04:57
7Fathom (3rd teaching)00:03:56
8Remembering Ayumi00:02:42
9Mellow submersion (5th teaching)00:02:27
10Touching truth00:01:21
11Beatrice l'ame infinie00:04:37
12Last train to Osaka00:03:41
13Ivory Town00:04:43
14Lily on the beach00:04:12
CD 3
1Beyond all suns00:05:56
2Mount Shasta00:04:23
3La ley de la Montana00:05:32
4Snow on angels feather00:05:31
5Twenty Nine Palms00:03:23
6Tharsis Maneuver00:04:28
7For the summit only00:07:55
8La grande spirale00:09:32
9Cedar breaks00:05:05
10Cat and snowman00:03:50
11Metaphor [Part 2]00:04:59