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China Mieville is best known for his compelling cross-genre novels such as The City & The City and Perdido Street Station. He's also a renowned for his short stories which have appeared in The Guardian and Granta. In this new collection, China pulls together incredibly powerful stories about social issues with his usual dazzling imagination, intelligence and energy.

China Mieville is best known for his compelling cross-genre novels such as The City & The City and Perdido Street Station. He's also a renowned for his short stories which have appeared in The Guardian and Granta. In this new collection, China pulls together incredibly powerful stories about social issues with his usual dazzling imagination, intelligence and energy.
China Miéville hat mit seinen phantastischen Romanen bereits zahlreiche Preise gewonnen, unter anderem den Arthur C. Clarke Award, den World Fantasy Award und den British Fantasy Award, und begeistert mit seiner Phantastik Kritiker und Leser gleichermaßen. China Miéville lebt in London.