  • Seitenzahl: 416
  • Erscheinungstermin: 25. Oktober 2022
  • Englisch
  • Abmessung: 229mm x 152mm x 24mm
  • Gewicht: 608g
  • ISBN-13: 9798215346426
  • Artikelnr.: 66234195
j.r.barnes began writing in a somewhat recognizable form around the age of 4. At first, it was just the alphabet, but as boredom set in, he began experimenting, writing the letters out of order, and CAZART... the wonderful world of words. He could now write anything his little noggin could conjure up. Poetry came first, starting at the age of nine. He has since written seven books of the stuff, publishing two. As way leads on to way, he began writing and performing songsstory-type songs. As the stories began to lengthen, he turned to the writing of novels; The Blue Note being his second. And now comes the struggle of how to put this variety of scribbles into the hands of people who may enjoy his efforts. Here's hoping you are one such person.