  • Seitenzahl: 612
  • Erscheinungstermin: 18. Juli 2023
  • Englisch
  • Abmessung: 234mm x 156mm x 31mm
  • Gewicht: 844g
  • ISBN-13: 9781021176615
  • ISBN-10: 1021176613
  • Artikelnr.: 68916987
Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold, best known as Mrs. Humphry Ward (1851-1920), was a renowned British novelist and social thinker of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A member of the illustrious Arnold family, she was the niece of the poet Matthew Arnold and the granddaughter of Dr. Thomas Arnold, the famed headmaster of Rugby School. Ward first triumphed in the literary world with her novel 'Robert Elsmere' (1888), which not only encapsulated her profound concern for religious and intellectual debates of the era but also marked her departure from the orthodox religious views of her upbringing. The novel's exploration of the conflict between traditional Christian faith and modern skepticism made it a bestseller and established Ward's reputation as a serious and thoughtful writer. Her literary style is characterized by a deep humanitarian concern blended with a detailed analysis of personal, social, and ethical issues. Ward's novels often featured themes of social reform and the plight of women, resonating with her own activism for causes such as education and women's suffrage. Despite the dwindling popularity of her later works, Ward's contributions to literature and social thought remain significant, and 'Robert Elsmere' continues to be recognized as a seminal work reflecting the spiritual and cultural currents of its time.