Delgo is a 2008 computer-animated fantasy film. The film was produced by Fathom Studios, a division of Macquarium Intelligent Communications, which began development of the project in 1999. Despite the film's festival appeal, winning the coveted Best Feature award at Anima Mundi, the film's box office was one of the lowest grossing wide releases in recent history. Delgo grossed just $694,782 in theatres against an estimated budget of $40 million, according to box office tracking site The film was released independently with a large screen count (over 2000 screens) and a small marketing budget. The lack of marketing and poor timing of the release are both cited as reasons for the disastrous theatrical run. Twentieth Century Fox acquired the film rights for international and DVD distribution and Cartoon Network purchased the U.S. television rights. Delgo was Anne Bancroft's final film and it is dedicated to her.