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  • Gebundenes Buch

(Art 13-17b EGBGB; Appendix to Art 13 EGBGB: Engagement and non-marital living partnership. International Matrimonial Law) The number of mixed nationality marriages is constantly increasing and in line with this the importance of international matrimonial law is also increasing. The revised edition updates the work to the current status. In particular it provides the first commentary on the new Article 17a (on the hugely important question of the accommodation allocation in the case of a separation) and Article 17b (on registered life-partnerships).
Die Zahl gemischtnationaler Ehen nimmt

(Art 13-17b EGBGB; Appendix to Art 13 EGBGB: Engagement and non-marital living partnership. International Matrimonial Law) The number of mixed nationality marriages is constantly increasing and in line with this the importance of international matrimonial law is also increasing. The revised edition updates the work to the current status. In particular it provides the first commentary on the new Article 17a (on the hugely important question of the accommodation allocation in the case of a separation) and Article 17b (on registered life-partnerships).
Die Zahl gemischtnationaler Ehen nimmt stetig zu. Mit ihr steigt auch die Bedeutung des Internationalen Eherechts. Die Neubearbeitung bringt das Werk auf den neuesten Stand. Insbesondere bietet sie die erstmalige Kommentierung der neuen Artikel 17a (über die immens wichtige Frage der Wohnungszuweisung bei Trennung) und Artikel 17b (über eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaften).