  • Verlag: Xlibris
  • Seitenzahl: 658
  • Erscheinungstermin: 30. September 2014
  • Englisch
  • Abmessung: 229mm x 152mm x 38mm
  • Gewicht: 1052g
  • ISBN-13: 9781499068184
  • ISBN-10: 1499068182
  • Artikelnr.: 53117059
Fred and Marie Gaertner are a husband-wife team of composers and music dramatists. Fred also writes the novels upon which their music dramas are based. Their goal is to inspire, entertain, inform and uplift readers. They view eternal life and the brotherhood of man in such a way that cultural and spiritual differences among human subgroups are so cherished that pitiable acts of hatred, terror and murder could never be based upon these differences. Those who embrace the Gaertnerian message should enjoy personal upliftment that only an expanded view of the meaning and purpose of human life can provide. Aaron the Wayshower is the author's spokesman who appears in each of a series of novels to combat some forms of subhuman behavior. Most readers should easily become interested in what Aaron says and does. He's not just another great teacher (like Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed). He is the procreator of a Life-Stream which includes Earthlings as a tiny fraction of his total Progeny. Even more important, the totality of his responsibilities is similar in scope to that which each of us must one day assume!