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Two key questions dominate the reflections in this book:What distinguishes the Telephone Emergency Service in Germany ("TelefonSeelsorge") from all the other already existing telephone helplines; what are its characteristics?How can specific elements of this service be better identified? E.g. what is known of the clients? What skills and qualifications are required of the volunteers for this work? Which legal and structural frameworks have to be in place?Sociologists, psychologists , lawyers, theologians, literary scientists and consultants scrutinize the Telephone Emergency Service in Germany…mehr

Two key questions dominate the reflections in this book:What distinguishes the Telephone Emergency Service in Germany ("TelefonSeelsorge") from all the other already existing telephone helplines; what are its characteristics?How can specific elements of this service be better identified? E.g. what is known of the clients? What skills and qualifications are required of the volunteers for this work? Which legal and structural frameworks have to be in place?Sociologists, psychologists , lawyers, theologians, literary scientists and consultants scrutinize the Telephone Emergency Service in Germany from their respective point of view and reflect on its work.
Bauer, Annemarie
Prof. Dr. Annemarie Bauer, Supervisorin (DGSv) und Gruppenanalytikerin (»D3G«), Lehrsupervisorin in Heidelberg (ConSeiL); bis 2010 Professorin an einer Fachhochschule. Schwerpunkte unter anderem Habitus und reflexives Handeln in Coaching und Supervision; verborgene Dynamiken in Organisationen.

Burbach, Christiane
Prof. Dr. Christiane Burbach, Pastorin i. R., war Professorin für Praktische Theologie im Studiengang Religionspädagogik/Soziale Arbeit an der Hochschule Hannover mit dem Schwerpunkt Poimenik und Beratung, Homiletik und Gottesdienstgestaltung, Tod-Sterben und Genderfragen. Sie ist Ausbilderin für Personzentrierte Beratung, Supervisorin (DGSv) und Lehrsupervisorin (DGfP).