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  • Gebundenes Buch

Conflict-of-laws rules that serve as application-of-law rules are necessary everywhere where legally relevant facts and circumstances of life have points of contact with different legal systems. In classic international law of procedure this has to do with the removal of layers of applicability of national legal systems, which today is based on the question of which legal system has the closest connection to a given state of facts.
With European integration, a new independent supranational legal system has been added to the individual national legal systems, which influences national law in

Conflict-of-laws rules that serve as application-of-law rules are necessary everywhere where legally relevant facts and circumstances of life have points of contact with different legal systems. In classic international law of procedure this has to do with the removal of layers of applicability of national legal systems, which today is based on the question of which legal system has the closest connection to a given state of facts.

With European integration, a new independent supranational legal system has been added to the individual national legal systems, which influences national law in diverse ways.
Kollisionsnormen als Rechtsanwendungsnormen sind überall dort erforderlich, wo ein rechtlich relevanter Lebenssachverhalt Berührungspunkte zu verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen aufweist. Im klassischen IPR geht es dabei um die Abschichtung des Anwendungsbereiches der nationalen Rechtsordnungen, heute anhand der Frage, zu welcher Rechtsordnung ein gegebener Sachverhalt die engste Verbindung aufweist. Mit der Europäischen Integration ist zu den einzelnen nationalen Rechtsordnungen eine neue selbständige supranationale Rechtsordnung hinzugetreten, die in vielfältiger Weise das nationale Recht beeinflusst. Dadurch gewinnt auch die Frage nach der Bestimmung des anwendbaren Rechts eine weitere Dimension.
Katrin Schilling, Hannover.
"[...] the level of research remains impressive and the demonstration well delivered so that a much wider audience would very much benefit from reading this work."Aude Fiorini in: GPR - Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht 6/2009