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Reading is my passion!


Insgesamt 4 Bewertungen
Bewertung vom 13.04.2009
The Handmaid's Tale
Atwood, Margaret

The Handmaid's Tale


...I had to read it in school...didn't like it then...

Today I love it!!! Amazing book !!! This is a must read like 'Brave new world' or '1984' !!! Atwood is an amazing writer that does not hesitate to write about controversial topics.
You should read some of her other novels as well !!

2 von 2 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich.

Bewertung vom 13.04.2009
The Sugar Queen
Sarah Addison Allen

The Sugar Queen


Publisher's promise: " Love this book or your money back!"
Sarah Addison Allen's second novel "The Sugar Queen" is as magical and amazing as "Garden Spells", her first book!!!
The reader becomes a part of Josey's life in North Carolina, where she lives the life of a servant - obeying her mother. In order to compensate this unloving and not very fulfilling life she hides at nighttime in her closet. Together with Josey the reader will eat sweets and read paperback romances in this hidden closet. One day Della Lee Baker, the local waitress, appears in Josey's hiding-place... and changes everything!
Again the author has excelled in combining the up and downs of reality with some magical elements. Thus, this book will bring a smile upon your face - although some of you, including myself, might be moved to tears at the same time :-)

1 von 1 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich.

Bewertung vom 03.04.2009
Eat, Pray, Love
Gilbert, Elizabeth

Eat, Pray, Love


MY FAVORITE BOOK! This book is truly amazing! I've both laughed and cried so much! Thoughts that have haunted me as a child like "Everything has to die at some point...what happens after I die?How can the world just go on?" are discussed in Gilbert's books in her amazing style of writing!!! I totally can identify myself with her - at least most of the times :-) I don't think I would ever travel to India just to live in an Ashram...! Life is a journey during which one tries to find ones inner self! This journey is different for everyone. This book describes one year of Gilbert's own journey in order to find her real self...just eat, pray and love!!

5 von 8 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich.

Bewertung vom 05.03.2009
Garden Spells
Addison Allen, Sarah

Garden Spells


Zauberhaft!! Endlich mal wieder ein Buch, was mich seit langer Zeit wieder so sehr gefesselt hat, dass ich es an einem Tag durchlesen musste... Ab der ersten Seite betritt man die scheinbar perfekte Welt der Claire und verlässt sie auch nach Ende des Buches nicht ohne ein gewisses Gefühl von Glücklichkeit und Zufriedenheit. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Büchern hat 'Garden Spells' etwas Besonderes und Einzigartiges. Sarah Addison Allen verbindet die Magie des alltäglichen Lebens auf so geschickte Weise mit der Realität und ihren Macken, dass die faszinierenden Geschichte der Claire und ihrer Schwester Sydney jeden Leser unverzüglich verzaubern wird...Stellen Sie sich beim Lesen auf Tränen-ausbrüche, Lach-flashs, Wutausbrüche und vor allem auf Fröhlichkeit ein!! This book definitely is going to change your life! My last advice for you: Watch out for trees that throw apples at you...