Ein Angebot für € 33,95 €
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CD 1
1"Over hill, over dale" (Act 1)00:04:04
2"Oberon is passing fell and wrath" (Act 1)00:03:06
3"Well, go thy way" (Act 1)00:03:24
4"How now my love?" (Act 1)00:04:32
5"Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull" (Act 1)00:03:40
6"Welcome wanderer!" (Act 1)00:04:30
7"Is all our company her?" (Act 1)00:07:36
8"Fair love, you faint with wand'ring in the wood" (Act 1)00:02:41
9"Through the forest have I gone" (Act 1)00:01:45
10"Stay, though thou kill me, sweet Demetrius" (Act 1)00:05:14
11"Come, now a roundel and a fairy song" (Act 1)00:01:58
12"You spotted snakes with double tongue" (Act 1)00:02:14
13"What thou seest when thou dost wake" (Act 1)00:01:46
14Introduction: The wood (Act 2)00:03:19
15"Are we all met?" (Act 2)00:07:36
16"I see their knavery" (Act 2)00:03:05
17"Be kind and courteous to this gentleman" (Act 2)00:01:16
18"Hail, mortal, hail!" (Act 2)00:05:14
19"I have a reas'nable good ear in music" (Act 2)00:03:39
20"How now, mad spirit?" (Act 2)00:03:05
CD 2
1"Flower of this purple dye" (Act 2)00:06:32
2"Puppet? Why so?" (Act 2)00:03:05
3"This is thy negligence" (Act 2)00:02:09
4"Up and down, up and down" (Act 2)00:06:02
5"On the ground, sleep sound" (Act 2)00:03:04
6"My gentle Robin, see'st thou this sweet sight?" (Act 3)00:07:12
7"Helena! Hermi! Demetrius! Lysander!" (Act 3)00:04:46
8"When my cue comes, call me" (Act 3)00:03:37
9"Have you sent to Bottom's house?" (Act 3)00:03:09
10"Now, fair Hippolyta" (Act 3)00:07:24
11"Iff we offend, it is with our good will" (Act 3)00:01:20
12"Gentles, perchange you wonder at this show" (Act 3)00:01:16
13"In this same interlude it doth befall" (Act 3)00:01:10
14"O grim-look'd night, O night with hue so black" (Act 3)00:01:51
15"O wall, fur often hast thou heard my moans" (Act 3)00:02:30
16"You ladies, you whose gentle hearts do fear" (Act 3)00:00:46
17"This lanthorn doth the horned moon present" (Act 3)00:01:50
18"Sweet moon, I thank thee for thy sunny beams" (Act 3)00:01:52
19"Asleep, my love?" (Act 3)00:02:31
20"Come, your Bergomask" (Act 3)00:02:46
Weitere 1 Tracks anzeigen
CD 3
1In May, in brilliant Athens (original version)00:06:37
2Oh Gods of wrath (original version)00:02:50
3My time's too short, your highness (original version)00:05:55
4Rome is now ruled by the Etruscan upstart (Act 1)00:02:38
5It is an axiom among kings (Act 1)00:02:33
6Here the thirsty evening (Act 1)00:02:53
7Who reaches heaven first (Act 1)00:02:32
8Maria was unmasked at a masked ball (Act 1)00:04:13
9Collatinus is politically astute (Act 1)00:04:29
10There goes a happy man! (Act 1)00:04:14
11Tarquinius does not dare (Act 1)00:02:26
12My horse! My horse! tarquinius does not wait (Act 1)00:03:06
13Their spinning-wheel unwinds (Act 1)00:05:19
14Listen! I heard a knock (Act 1)00:02:34
15Time treads upon the hands of women (Act 1)00:03:42
16The oatmeal slippers of sleep (Act 1)00:07:36