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The leaders of the Third Reich were informed regularly of the activities of regime opponents and resistance groups within the Reich by means of standardized reports drawn up by the Gestapo and the security service of the SS, and following 1940 by the Reichssicherheits-hauptamt (Main Security Office). Following the outbreak of war, the occupied territories were included also in this information system. These reports, pieces of information and notices are stereotypical official documents that lay open right down to the smallest detail the repression and persecution practised by the Nazis among…mehr

The leaders of the Third Reich were informed regularly of the activities of regime opponents and resistance groups within the Reich by means of standardized reports drawn up by the Gestapo and the security service of the SS, and following 1940 by the Reichssicherheits-hauptamt (Main Security Office). Following the outbreak of war, the occupied territories were included also in this information system. These reports, pieces of information and notices are stereotypical official documents that lay open right down to the smallest detail the repression and persecution practised by the Nazis among the civilian populations. Almost all the reports are concerned primarily with the resistance and persecution of Communist worker movements. In addition, brief reports are made concerning anti-regime events and the names of those arrested along with the activities of which they are accused. Prohibitions of events and printed material as well as seizures and numerous other measures are described in detail. The authors also report on disputes with churches and the measures taken against the Jews and Freemasons, in addition to reporting, during the early years, on "national opposition". The prohibition of pamphlets and of foreign newspapers is carefully documented, as are the attempts of emigrants, up to the outbreak of war, to engender anti-regime opposition abroad. Following the outbreak of war, the number of reports was supplemented by those issued by the task forces advancing into the occupied territories with the German armed forces. The reports include detailed descriptions of the suppressive measures taken against the civilian populations, above all against the Jews. In addition the authors report on resistance movements and collaboration. The 'Ereignismeldungen' (event notifications) - the majority originating from the USSR - regularly report on the number of murdered Jews and "Communists".

The filmed documents are rounded off with the Begleitband zur Mikrofiche-Edition (Guide to the Microfiche Edition) containing summaries of all the reports as well as indexes of persons, locations, organizations, and institutions.

Perlentaucher-Notiz zur F.A.Z.-Rezension

Beeindruckt zeigt sich Klaus A. Lankheit von diesem von Heinz Boberach herausgegebenen Band "Regimekritik, Widerstand und Verfolgung in Deutschland und den besetzten Gebieten". Als Erschließungsband zur Mikrofiche-Edition, die weit über tausend Dokumenten des geheimen Staatspolizeiamtes, des SD-Hauptamtes der SS, des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, der Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer und der Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei versammelt, leistet das Werk nach Ansicht Lankheits "wesentliche Vorarbeit für die historische Forschung". Überzeugend findet er nicht nur die Einleitung, die Sammlungskriterien, Überlieferungsgeschichte und eine Organisationsgeschichte enthält, sondern auch das Personenregister mit fast 19000 Namen, den geographische Index, das Sachgebietsregister, das Verzeichnis der beobachteten Exilpublikationen und ein Institutionenregister. Damit rege der Band zu "neuen historischen Fragestellungen" an. Dass auf ein Stich- und Schlagwortregister verzichtet wurde, hält Lankheit für bedauerlich, aber für nachvollziehbar "Boberach hat in Abwägung des Möglichen gegen das Wünschenswerte", resümiert der Rezensent, "ein Optimum erreicht."

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