Top-Rezensenten Übersicht

Uta S.


Insgesamt 2 Bewertungen
Bewertung vom 22.02.2022
Der Körper kennt den Weg
Schmidt, Johannes B.

Der Körper kennt den Weg


Dieses Buch war eines der ersten, das ich vor Jahren in die Hände bekam, als ich begann, mich bewusst mit dem Thema "Trauma" auseinander zu setzen.
Es ist eins der Bücher, dass ich nicht in die Kreislaufwirtschaft geben konnte, weil ich es damals nahezu mit Textmarker "durchtränkt" habe, denn es öffnete mir das Verständnis für die enge Verbindung von Körper-Geist & Seele.
Damals las ich es aus Interesse und um andere besser verstehen zu können. Inzwischen bin auch ich selbst durch meine "eigene innere Reise" zum Thema Trauma gegangen. Dieses Buch mit seinem ganzheitlichen Ansatz und seiner so umfangreichen und fundierten Literaturliste war - aus heutiger Sicht - ganz offensichtlich der Grundstein, auf dem diese - erfolgreiche - Reise begonnen hat.
Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar und bekam gerade den Impuls, dass es an der Zeit ist, dies auch zu teilen.

Bewertung vom 16.03.2021
Essential Oils to Boost the Brain and Heal the Body
Cohen, Jodi

Essential Oils to Boost the Brain and Heal the Body


This truly is a user-friendly guide, also for “beginners” in the field of essential oils, I can only highly recommend to anyone who feels drawn to essential oils and also is eager to look deeper into the matter and the science behind it.
My main motivation to look more intensive into this topic was my personal experience with not being able to shift my nervous system into the parasympathetic state anymore “just naturally”. Besides grounded bodywork my affinity to essential oils helped me a lot – but I didn’t really know then why the oils helped me, I just applied them intuitively through smelling and applying on neck and temples. Could also simply have been a placebo effect, right?
Well, now I do know why they helped and I also know many more ways and areas of application, some of which I would have never thought of myself. Like addressing specific organ systems via applying oils to the reflexology points of the feet and the outer ears. What a great possibility to support any medical treatment ourselves!
I highly recommend the chapter on the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic state to anyone who is suffering from pressure and stress in everyday life or even trauma – whatever symptoms may show up, I think it is definitely worth a try. For me it was citrus (bergamot) and eucalypt oil, which helped me getting out of the “freeze mode” and into healing my vagus nerve.
Looking on environmental impacts, essential oils can even support detoxification and dealing with adrenal fatigue, who would have thought, essential oils can be of support here, too?
And one very good thing, also: you do not have to order any specific blends as Jodi Cohen even provides the recipes, thus enabling everyone around the globe to mix their own.
Thank you Jodi Cohen for sharing your rich and very profound insights into the world of essential oils.