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Jakarta Tomcat is not only the most commonly used open source servlet engine today, it's become the de facto standard by which other servlet engines are measured. Powerful and flexible, it can be used as a stand-alone web server or in conjunction with another server, like Apache or IIS, to run servlets or JSPs. But mastery of Tomcat is not easy: because it's as complex as it is complete. Tomcat: The Definitive Guide answers vexing questions that users, administrators, and developers alike have been asking. This concise guide provides much needed information to help harness Tomcat's power and…mehr

Jakarta Tomcat is not only the most commonly used open source servlet engine today, it's become the de facto standard by which other servlet engines are measured. Powerful and flexible, it can be used as a stand-alone web server or in conjunction with another server, like Apache or IIS, to run servlets or JSPs. But mastery of Tomcat is not easy: because it's as complex as it is complete. Tomcat: The Definitive Guide answers vexing questions that users, administrators, and developers alike have been asking. This concise guide provides much needed information to help harness Tomcat's power and wealth of features.

Tomcat: The Definitive Guide offers something for everyone who uses Tomcat. System and network administrators will find detailed instructions on installation, configuration, and maintenance. For users, it supplies insightful information on how to deploy Tomcat. And seasoned enterprise Java developers will have a complete reference to setting up, running, and using this powerful software

The book begins with an introduction to the Tomcat server and includes an overview of the three types of server configurations: stand-alone, in-process, and out-of-process. The authors show how directories are laid out, cover the initial setup, and describe how to set the environment variables and modify the configuration files, concluding with common errors, problems, and solutions. In subsequent chapters, they cover:
- The server.xml configuration file
- Java Security manager
- Authentication schemes and Tomcat users
- The Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Tomcat JDBC Realms
- Installing servlets and Java Server Pages
- Integrating Tomcat with Apache
- Advanced Tomcat configuration and much more.

Tomcat: The Definitive Guide covers all major platforms, including Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X, contains details on Tomcat configuration files, and has a quick-start guide to get developers up and running with Java servlets and JavaServer Pages. If you've struggled with this powerful yet demanding technology in the past, this book will provide the answers you need.
Jason Brittain is a Senior Software Engineer at Symantec Corporation''s Network and Gateway Security Solutions Team, working on the AntiSpam product. Jason''s specialties include Tomcat, dynamic web development, Java application servers, scalability and fault tolerance, clustering, and Apache Ant build systems. He has contributed to many Apache Jakarta projects, and has been an active open source software developer for several years. Ian F. Darwin has worked in the computer industry for three decades: with Unix since 1980, Java since 1995, and OpenBSD since 1998. He wrote the freeware file(1) command used on Linux and BSD and is the author of Checking C Programs with Lint, Java Cookbook, and over seventy articles and several courses (both university and commercial) on C and Unix. In addition to programming and consulting, Ian teaches Unix, C, and Java for Learning Tree International, one of the world''s largest technical training companies. He runs BSD UNIX (OpenBSD and/or OS X) on all of his computers; the only Windows he has are made of glass and look out over the countryside north of Toronto.
"Neben der freien Erhältlichkeit als Open Source-Software punktet Tomcat vom Apache Jakarta Project vor allen Dingen dadurch, dass es als Webserversoftware eingesetzt werden kann, für die Java-Servlets und JSP keine böhmischen Dörfer sind. Die Installation und Konfiguration von Tomcat ist allerdings ohne entsprechende Kenntnisse eine ausweglose Sache. Mit dem Buch `Tomcat - The Definitive Guide´ aus dem O'Reilly-Verlag, das momentan nur in englischer Sprache vorliegt, werden die ersten Schritte mit Tomcat allerdings zum Kinderspiel. In erster Linie richtet sich das 303-seitige Werk von Jason Brittain und Ian F. Darwin allerdings an passionierte Administratoren und Entwickler, die Tomcat bis aufs Äußerste ausreizen wollen. Java-Programmierung wurde von den Autoren weitgehend verbannt bzw. in relativ leicht verständlichen Servlets verpackt, so dass keine tiefer gehenden Kenntnisse vom Leser erwartet werden.(...) Fazit: Wer sich als Entwickler oder Administrator mit Tomcat beschäftigen muss, wird sich glücklich schätzen, wenn er `Tomcat - The definitive Guide´ im Regal stehen hat. 303 Seiten voller Informationen machen auch aus Einsteigern ausgebuffte Profis, die die beliebteste Plattform für Java-Servlets und JSP bald wie ihre eigene Westentasche kennen."
--, 11/2003, Tino Hahn