Now You Can Get the Money You Need to Start and Grow Your Business with Experienced Insight from One of the Nation's Premier CPA Firms! This book by nationally-known author and CPA, Marvin Morse, is the result of decades of thought and is born out of the need to provide entrepreneurs and business owners clear and concise information about how to raise capital and borrow money. It might sound trivial, but after decades of helping people set up corporations, Marvin Morse came to an inescapable conclusion-Most people do not know how to go about raising capital for a start-up business. The process can be very complicated as well as intimidating. Launching a new busines that requires start-up capital presents a unique set of challenges for the entrepreneur. There are many questions that must be answered, and knowing who to work with, how much you will need and how to complete the process in a timely manner are all critical to the success of your new venture. Now, through this easy-to-read book, Marvin Morse tells you everything you need to know about raising capital in story form. It is the perfect way to grasp the critically important concepts so you are well informed and can make your business decisions with complete confidence.